Why men need to chase

Simply put:
Men like the chase for their ego

Men are competitive, they always have been. They know that a great girl gets all the attention in the world.

Every great guy wants to go out with a great girl. So when a lot of great guys try to woo her and date her, she obviously has a lot of options. The great girl then evaluates the odds and sees which guy likes her a lot more than the others, and also tests her compatibility at the same time.


His definition of a chase

So what guys call a chase isnt really a chase, its the girls way of weighing the odds and picking one who seems more determined and willing to prove his love for her.

So when a great guy finally emerges as a winner, hed obviously know hes better than all the other guys. Now thats a huge boner in his ego, and he feels like hes just won a big prize. But if you dont have a lot of options in hand, dont throw the poor fella around just because someone told you so!

If a man sees competition, he automatically flips the ego chase switch on, so dont try to force a chase for the wrong reasons.


It helps them realize how important the girl is

Men fall in love in stages. The first thing they do is make the girl fall in love with them before they even consider whether they should fall back in love with her.

All they care at first is about getting the girl to like them. This is the tricky part of a mans mind that you really need to understand.

If youre too easy to get, he may wonder if he deserves someone better.

But if you do end up kissing him on the first date or even having sex with him, just dont worry about it.

The chase only helps you evaluate a dating potential. If youre certain that both of you like each other already, just take the plunge!

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